Last updated: [2023-10-09]

Disclaimer: FuerteCoin is a gaming and cryptocurrency platform intended for informational and recreational purposes only and is not a promise of success. The information provided on this website, white papers, white papers and any related materials are for educational and entertainment purposes and do not constitute financial, legal or investment advice.
Investors and users should understand that investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks, and cryptocurrency values can be highly volatile. FuerteCoin does not guarantee any financial outcomes and is not responsible for the losses or gains that users may experience when using our platform or acquiring FuerteCoin.
Users are responsible for conducting their own research, assessing risks, and making informed decisions before investing or engaging in activities related to FuerteCoin. We strongly recommend consulting with qualified financial or legal professionals before making significant financial decisions.
FuerteCoin strives to maintain the security and integrity of our platform and network, but we cannot guarantee the absence of errors, technical failures, or service interruptions. Users should understand and accept these risks when using our platform.
By using FuerteCoin, users accept and understand that they are engaging in an entertainment and cryptocurrency platform at their own risk and responsibility. FuerteCoin is not liable for any damage, loss, or inconvenience that may arise from using our platform.
Please use FuerteCoin responsibly and consider your own financial circumstances and objectives before making decisions. We are always available to answer your questions and provide guidance, but it is essential for users to be aware of the risks associated with cryptocurrencies and investment in general.